Advertise to Find People to Participate and Involve in your Research or Events

At Research4Me, we believe engaging and involving patients and carers in medical research can improve research relevance, design, recruitment, conduct, participant experience, translation in practice, commercialisation.

People can’t get involved in research or attend events they don’t know about.

Our community essentially provides a marketplace for you connect with an interested, engaged audience to inform them about studies you are recruiting for, help you may need for your research and development, and health/medical/research-related events.

Here’s how we can help you get your message out…


Free TrialsTues advertising

Paid advertising







1. #TrialsTues

Every Tuesday from 5-10pm AEST, you are invited to advertise to our community the opportunity to participate in, or inform/contribute to/collaborate in your medical research and clinical trials, FREE in our Facebook Group  (subject to HREC/IRB approval where appropriate). Our Facebook Group is a closed group, but everyone is welcome to apply to join. Click here for more information.


2. Paid advertising

Advertise your research opportunities and events to our database, on our website, in our newsletter, and via our social media. Talk to us about what you are looking to achieve and how we can help spread your message.



Talk to us today about how we can help advertise the messages you need to get out.


For our community to work, we need trust. As such, we commit to our community to be transparent about our relationships, and sponsored content/advertising. In the event you advertise with us, we will ask that you agree to be transparent about our relationship.

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