Upskill to involve people in research

There is a growing expectation from funding agencies and regulators for researchers and industry to engage with the public, patients and carers in research and development processes. This expectation has developed in the absence of infrastructure and training to support such engagement. This has left a gap in the capacity of both the consumer and researcher workforces to work with each other.

While guidances abound, there is still a lack in practical training to get started. While researchers can just invite people in and start working with them, it is important to do some preparatory work to ensure the experience will work for both the researchers and people you are involving.  Equally, patients, carers and advocacy organisations need to understand what they can give and expect when engaging with researchers.

Research4Me can work with you to understand your reasons for engagement, culture and resource constraints, and tailor its formal training to meet the needs of your organisation.

In addition, informally, we freely share literature, articles, stories via our website and social media channels, which we do to help lift the boat for everyone,  We encourage you to share great resources you find with with us too.

We know people like to learn in different ways. Some like to read, some like to listen, some like to talk. And so we have options to hopefully suit everyone.


We can provide formal and informal, standard and bespoke training, in person and virtually, to support individuals and organisations to move toward greater consumer involvement in research.

If social media is your thing, keep an eye on ours for articles, videos, and other content we find interesting that you might learn from. And tag us if you find something interesting, as we love learning from you too.

Conferences with Research4Me

We participate in, run and promote events that facilitate training, networking or exchange of ideas between consumers and researchers/industry or showcase examples of good involvement.

training resource library

Coming Soon: Our website Community Resource Centre will provide information, tools and resources to support public, patient and carer engagement and involvement in research.

Research4Me Learn Social MediaTo find out about our upcoming training and events visit our website events page, or keep an eye on our newsletters and social media (Facebook Group, Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn).

We want to help you get the information and skills you need. Let us know via our survey what training you would find useful, or contact us to discuss your specific training needs.

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